UK: The Week Unwrapped podcast: Speed-limited cars, ASMR and the Papal ring

Should cars stop drivers speeding? What is ASMR? And why does Pope Francis not want people to kiss his ring?

Friday, March 29, 2019 - 9:12am

Olly Mann and The Week delve behind the headlines and debate what really matters from the past seven days.

You can subscribe to The Week Unwrapped on iTunes, SoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts. It is produced by Matt Hill and the music is by Tom Mawby.

UK: The Week Unwrapped podcast: Speed-limited cars, ASMR and the Papal ring UK: The Week Unwrapped podcast: Speed-limited cars, ASMR and the Papal ring Reviewed by Shahid Karimi on March 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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