A bouquet of bright fresh flowers is a joyous addition to your home - or someone else’s.
If you would like to send or receive more than an occasional treat, a subscription from an online florist is likely to be more economical as well as highly convenient.
Bunches: best for value
Bunches might be the budget option on our list, but the online florist delivers fun, stylish flowers that belie their price tag. Its entry-level package is £17 per month, rising to £25 for a premium subscription, including first-class delivery via Royal Mail. Expect “simple, classic designs at a reasonable price”, says The Daily Telegraph. You can sign up for three months, six months or a year.
Appleyard Flowers: best for choice
Appleyard’s exquisite arrangements come with a degree of curatorial control - you can select what’s in your first bouquet (most subscription services surprise you with their own selections). Subscriptions last from three months (£78) to a year (£264), and the blooms themselves stay fresh for “on average, 10-14 days”, says Good Housekeeping magazine.
Bloom & Wild: best for letterbox flowers
Bloom & Wild has forged a stellar reputation in the six years since it launched. Its delightful letterbox selection - which will slip through the front door if the recipient is out - are a particularly welcome innovation, priced at £60 for three months or £18 per month for an indefinite subscription. Eight other plans are available, including a lily-free subscription for customers with pets who might eat the toxic blooms.
Flying Flowers: best for bold bouquets
Flying Flowers has carved out a reputation for delivering bright, cheerful flowers at equally cheerful prices: its subscription is available on a three-month (£68), six-month (£130) or 12-month (£250) basis. “Flying Flowers offers a five-day freshness guarantee,” says The Independent, “but these flowers outlasted this timeline beautifully.”
Flowerbx: best for weekly and fortnightly subscription
The majority of online florists offer monthly subscriptions only, leaving Flowerbx to cater for those who would like to receive deliveries more frequently. Its weekly and fortnightly services come at a price, however, starting at £45 per delivery and rising to £100 for a luxe bouquet. That “may seem steep”, says the Telegraph, but Flowerbx’s bouquets are generous: many of the “unusual single-type flower” arrangements contain 25 stems.
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